The weather has finally cooled! This latest piece, titled “Herbst,” was inspired by the wonderful feeling of a cool, sunlit afternoon in Fallbrook. “Herbst” is the German word for fall, and seemed to fit the piece.

“Herbst” 9 x 12 Chalk pastel on paper
We may not have the abundance of color changes in trees, but fall is truly the best season to be in Southern California. It’s particularly nice at the beaches, since all of the summer crowds have usually gone by September. The sky has a deep blue tint, and the bright sunlight fades just enough at the end of the day to leave us with the anticipation of a cool, foggy night to come. The birds are particularly active here at this time, as evidenced by my pomegranate bushes with nary a whole pomegranate left on them.
All the contrast between the bright orange pumpkins for sale and the azure skies is enough to inspire any artist, and this is the time of year I definitely take my camera everywhere to take photo references for later pieces.